Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Loving LBs, Year Two by Alana Guzick, Recruitment/New Member Chair

This is my second year as a Ladybird, and I am LOVING IT! Everyone is so sweet and caring, and every member genuinely loves each other.

We gained many new members this past semester! Each girl is so unique and adds a great dimension to the Ladybirds! They have really enhanced our Texas Ladybird values, and we couldn't be more happy to have them!

I think my favorite event this Fall semester was Big Little. Every member made list of their top three girls that they wanted to be either their big/little, and then once everyone had one, all the bigs began making gifts for their littles! I was a big, and the gift making was so much fun! I was able to become the "creative Alana" and pull out my paint and markers and become my inner artist! I mean, I'm not the greatest artist, but it's the thought that counts. Anyway, there was one week where we took two days and brought our gifts to a designated room and our littles came and picked them up! They were so excited to see what they got!

After the gift week, we had Big Little Reveal! Unfortunately my little was out of town that
weekend (we did our reveal later), but everyone had such a great time and I think for the most part was surprised! All the bigs decorated boxes and popped out of them to reveal themselves! It was a blast!

I could not be enjoying my experience as a Ladybird anymore than I am. Joining has really enhanced my college experience, and I have no regrets. I am able to be exactly who I am with these girls, and I don't have to try to be someone else to "fit it". Everyone is so accepting and caring, I have no doubt that anyone who joins us would fit in perfectly. 

I am proud to be a Ladybird, and I know all the other girls are as well. I highly suggest attending an info session and seeing what we are all about! We can't wait to meet you:) -LBXO

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Spring 2016 Recruitment Video

After months of filming and days of editing, we are thrilled to release our Spring 2016 Recruitment Video! If you would like to be part of the greatest family on campus please make sure to join our Facebook Group, like us on Facebook for updates, check out our Instagram & Twitter, and see our website for more information. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Formal Fall 2015

We held our first annual formal tonight! Hope all of our lovely LBs had an amazing time & a special thank you to Texas French Bread for hosting us!