Sunday, February 28, 2016

Big Little Reveal

This weekend was a very exciting time for our LBs! It was Big Little Reveal in which our new petal class finds out who their bigs are! We had an awesome week of gift giving & the bigs worked really hard to create a suspensful time! Each little was given a costume to match with their big & then (of course) we took a ton of photos-LBXO! 
Our Big Little Reveal Video!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brunch Spring 2016

As soneone incredibly smart once said, "Sunday is Brunch Day." And us LBs couldn't agree more! We had our annual brunch downtown at Manuel's which included chips and salsa, breafkast tacos, and other delicious food-LBXO! 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Galentine's & Valentine's Day

As The Ladybirds are HUGE Parks & Rec fans, we had to have a celebration of Galentine's Day! We decorated paperbags as our "mailboxes," made Valentine's for all of our sisters, and had a "share circle" where we talked about literally everything. 
After Galentine's Day a few of our lovely Ladybirds took Valentine's Day cards to the children at Dell Medical Children's Hosptial. Happy Valentine's Y'all-LBXO!